Are you attending the ISTE2012 Conference? You might be there in San Diego right now! If so, Don't miss out on an opportunity to pick up my book, Connecting Students to S.T.E.M. Careers, Social Networking Strategies, and other great ISTE books. "Why now?" you say, "when I have my hands filled with conference materials, my laptop, my lunch..."
Here's why: If you visit ISTE Central (and it's located near the entrance), you can take advantage of the show special and if you buy 4 books, they give you the 5th one free and will ship all of them to you at no cost!
If you're not at the conference, you might be wondering what it's all about. Well, not only is ISTE one of the top publishers of educational technology books in the world, they are the premier professional organization for educators world-wide. Visit their website and find out about professional development opportunities, forums, advocacy groups, and more.
The annual conference, formerly call NECC, has been going on for over 30 years, drawing teachers, administrators, and tech professionals together in a different major city in the U.S. This year it's in San Diego. There are hundreds of sessions, workshops, panels, gatherings, demos; 500 vendor exhibits including agencies and organizations in the educational technology field. 400 informal and interactive learning activities and sessions focus on the bleeding edge of what's new and what's emerging to help teachers and administrators keep in touch with how their classrooms and schools can improve learning and teaching by integrating technology.
Visit the conference website for more information. And if you're there now, don't miss out on ISTE Central where you can see all the latest ISTE books, including mine, and meet some of the authors and staff in person!
If you're not there, you can pick up a copy of the book any time by visiting their website store.
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